Find specifics about our Cherry Creek Reservoir Learn to Paddle Camp here
Cherry Creek Reservoir Learn to Paddle Camp
2024 Drop-Off & Pick-Up Location
Contact Info
If you have a question before camp, please Contact our Customer Support Team or give us a call at 720-249-2412.
During your week of camp, please reach out to your Camp Director, Be Short, at or (720) 764-3562.
Cherry Creek Reservoir Learn to Paddle Camp Schedule
1-week Camp (M-F):
PreK-1st Grade:
- AM Session: 9:00am - 11:45am
- PM Session: 12:15pm - 3:00pm
Camp Group Assignments
You can check your camper's group assignment on your Active Account 10 days prior to camp.
Camp group assignments will be emailed to families 10 days before the camp starts. We will do our best to accommodate all mutual friend requests.
Please note: If you register within 14 days before the camp start date, we cannot guarantee friend requests. Thank you for your understanding.
Where to Meet Your Instructor
Follow Avid4 Adventure Flags to the main meeting area and meet your instructors at their group sign.
Packing Lists
Camp Forms
Required forms for all campers:
- Immunization Form - must be on an Official State of Colorado form, dated and signed by your doctor within the past two years.
- We also accept official forms from the following states: Alabama, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington
- We also accept official forms from the following states: Alabama, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Required Forms if your camper will bring an Inhaler or Epi-Pen to camp or will be taking any OTC or Prescription medication while at camp:
- Inhaler Form
- Epi-Pen Form
- Medication Form
All forms can be found HERE. Please sign in to your Active Account to submit your child's forms.